Friday, July 17, 2009

Hard Times TGF

I started the day bt taking my daughter to a job interview in Surrey. I do feel sorry for the graduates out there. They do work hard to get their degrees and at the end of it there are no jobs. I hope they do get their just rewards.

Listening to the radio and I do like Radio2, I do sometimes get fed up with Jeremy Vine. He has a good current affairs/consumer programme which often has usuful and interesting topics. The downside is that he does sometimes like the sound of his own voice...............break it up more often with some music Jeza, let us gather our thoughts and not have to listen for ever to your voice!!! Less is more!!

Motorways, what's the point. Look at the title, "Motor Ways," that implies to me ways that motors travel or go. Well on the M25 this morning, car park, M3, car park. Where's the go???? What's with variable speed limits? They're having a laugh, the traffic only goes two speeds anyway and one of them is stationary. What's the answer then I hear you cry.......well I will tell you, Stay at home!! Spike Milligan once gave his remedy for sea sickness, he said, "Sit under a tree." Same applies.

I will add more today because it is one of those Fridays........middle of summer and it's raining and feels like an Autumn day. It's dark, damp and neaer to Christmas than it is from it. If that makes sense?

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