Monday, July 27, 2009

Who's Bright Idea???

Well Mrs P has gone off to Fishers Farm to play with Russell. He seems like a nice prospective father, reasonable manners, nice house, good prospects!! We will see if Mrs P. takes to him. I love Fishers Farm. The staff are fantastic, the owners wonderful and the whole park is a joy to be in and around. It is no wonder it has won attraction of the year a few times. Well done every one there.

The journey over to West Sussex was smooth with no traffic to speak of and we made good time. The unload went very easily, mainly due to the willingness of Mrs P, who seemed quite happy to be placed in a new environment. I bet she is in her element now with all the attention, she loves people and a fuss. we will miss her chatting to us in her paddock but she wont be away too long. The journey back was a different story. For today only, West Sussex Highways had decided to do essential repairs as they see them to a small bridge which has to be crossed on the A272 just before the turn off to Fishers Farm. It meant that on the return journey we were diverted by some 4/5 miles in the wrong direction before we could turn to the right direction. It also meant that the whole journey home had to take a different route as a consequence. Well we did not mind too much the inconvenience but just we got close to the final leg of our trip home there was what looked like a nasty accident ahead which had only just happened. Police turned up, Ambulance and Fire Brigade. This meant we were diverted again and this time a journey north to go east. All in all it added another 24 miles to our journey which meant we had an all round trip of nearly 90 miles. Obviously we wish the victims of the accident well and a speedy recovery but as for the Highways? Why pick daytime to work on a main road that is constantly busy in daylight hours? Why not do it at night. Think of the extra pollution from vehicles forced to use the diversions, let alone the time wasted by the extra journey.

Back home now and dodging showers while I clean the trailor. Oh for a warmer climate, somewhere like Texas. I bet I could go for days and never see a road there in open. I hate driving. 30 years this year I have been driving. Over the last ten years I have grown to hate the thought of geting in a car and battling for a space on the road. When I become famous.............

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