Saturday, August 29, 2009


Today was the day after the night before when we saw our good friends Paul and Judy. They arrived in their motor home and stayed the night in the motor home despite the offer of a comfy bed for the night. Strange people.............What a night, how much whiskey is it safe to consume over 6 six hours? Not too much is the answer otherwise you finf yourself singing or in my case shouting out of tune to Karaoke DVD's. Lucky we live in the countryside that's all I can say.
Now because we had friends staying on our drive we thought we would leave the back door unlocked for them in case they wanrted to come in for the loo in comfort or something, so we went to bed knowing that a door was unlocked. I would never do thos but that was the trust of the neighborhood.
So while on the trust route we decided today to meet them in the beautiful grounds of Chartwell House in Kent to have lunch in their motor home and then go round the house and gardens. Those who don't know Chartwell should make the effort to visit. It is a National TRUST property, which was the former home of Winston Churchill. Probably the greatest Prime Minister we have ever had. To see the house and the rooms there in, still with his and Clemmies belongings is just fascinating and then visit his painting studio to see his works plus the beautiful gardens makes for a lovely afternoon out. This was our second visit and just as good, if not better as you see more the second time.
On a totally different point, typing the word, property is great because once you have typed PROP the erty are all in a line from e to y so it is a nice wrod to type. How many other words are there like that on the keyboard?

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